Thursday, October 20, 2011

Staying in the game

 In 2 Samuel we read the story about the day King David decided to stay home from battle.

Men are great when we are challenged, or have something to conquer and fight against, when we’re in the heat of the battle and involved with the process of making a difference.  Our Achilles heel is when we have too much free time on our hands. Idol time is our worst enemy.

 King David sent his right hand man to lead Israel into the season of battle while he stayed home. So what’s wrong with taking a day off, right? The issue isn’t a day off from work but a day off from our relationship with God. I work in construction 5 days a week. I’m a Christian Man 24/7. The enemy knows that. He is looking to take advantage of any weak point in my day - every day.

 David found himself alone with nothing to do one day. From his roof he had a bird’s eye view of his kingdom. There must have been a shift in the way he looked at things before he saw Bathsheba taking a bath. Board; his thoughts wondered away from the things of God. What was he doing looking into someone else’s back yard anyway? When we get bored we let our minds wander then we start to take liberties that get us in trouble.  We know where the boarder of danger is only too well, boredom is the Humvee the enemy uses to crash the gates of the boarder. We take the ride voluntarily, we’re never forced. He always makes danger look fun; it’s the forbidden fruit that always looks the best.

 Living Excellent is taking inventory of our lives in light of God, who alone is perfect, and then by the council and guidance of his words in the Bible, we make a conscious effort to make the better choice in every area of our lives. That’s what the Bible calls godliness, knowing the difference of right and wrong then making the decision to live and speak in a way that pleases God, his ways not ours. It’s our choice.

 Acting decisive is moving in a forward direction with confidence, not wavering in our decisions. The ability to act decisive as a man of God comes from making excellence the lifestyle we practice every day, in all we do.

 In Luke 17:20 Jesus says "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation of the gospel.

 Christianity is not a spectator sport. The Christian life is not a part of who we are brothers, Christianity is who we are, and designed to be lived with great passion.

Stay in the Game