Saturday, November 7, 2009

Answers to a changing world.

October 3, 2009 -

The world we are living in is changing around us at a rapid pace. Our economy is as unstable as it has been in since the 30’s. Our new President and congress are constantly striving for answers to ever changing circumstances. They continue to come up short. People are losing confidence of what was secure for so long and now are beginning to panic. We are seeing crime; physical abuses; the hearts of people becoming cold and uncaring. Suicides increase before us daily and people losing view of any hope. At any given time anyone of us are on the brink of crashing and burning with the loss of jobs, homes; and families. We are seeing drug and alcohol abuse soaring among the gen-xers; gen-y’s; and baby boomers alike. Divorce and abortion has become the pandemic of an unsatisfied and unrestrained lifestyle all around us in today’s world. Life in general is becoming unstable and chaotic with no foreseeable relief. This is not in some far off 3rd world country, this is worldwide and right here in our own back yard. We are in need of answers. We are in need of real solutions to real problems that are crushing us daily. President Obama doesn’t have the answer; President Bush didn’t have the answer. It is time to stop finger pointing and look hard and fast to the real reason we are where we are. If we look at ourselves and realize we have all become part of the problem; and find the solution personally, then we may find a change and solution for our communities, our state, our country; and our world. What are we lacking? If we see the unrest on our own hearts and realize that the answer we need is larger than we are. Then we will realize that we have an unquenchable thirst that won’t be satisfied by more money, more house, a better or newer car, more toys, another spouse a better job, drugs, or alcohol. Things, stuff, feeding our unquenchable apatite will only take us down the same road we are on now. Jesus said I am the bread of life, he who comes to me will not go hungry, and he who believes in me will not be thirsty, but as I have told you, you have seen me and still do not believe. All the Father gives to me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. The reality is what we have been doing hasn’t worked up to this point. Sure it has all been good for awhile, even a life time, but look at where we are now. It sure seems to have been temporary. Let’s look into something, or someone, that is lasting. Obviously money, fame; and what we always thought would be secure and long lasting; good for a life time would continue. But we are now seeing the effects of living for number one. He who dies with the most toys still dies. The invitation is being held out. It has always been held out. Today is the day to accept the hand that is being offered to pull us out of our mess our hopeless situation. It is as simple as a truthful prayer from the heart. Asking for forgiveness and accepting what was provided through Jesus Christ.You can pray like this:Jesus I am wrong, I have lived my life without regard for you or your ways. Forgive me. I believe you died for my sinful ways. Your death was for me. To make a way for me to have a life with you for eternity in Heaven. I know I need to be saved from separation from you. Come into my life and help me to change the way I have been living to the way you planned for me to live. Form a new heart in me. I now believe by your death on a cross for me, the fact that you raised from the dead to give me life and the need for me to surrender all I am to you, gives me new life. I choose your sacrifice of your shed blood. I am now saved. In Jesus name, Amen.Now start going to a Bible teaching church. Start praying to him and reading a Bible every day. Welcome to the Family of God! You are now a Child of God.

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