I have a friend in Church who referred to our minds and hearts as a reservoir. Her statement was “We need to fill our reservoirs with God’s word.” That was the first time I heard that term regarding to storing God’s words in our hearts. That’s the perfect term because that is exactly what our minds and hearts are. We store knowledge and experiences in our hearts and minds, from there God will minister to us and others through us. Daily life is then lived out, then new things and experiences are gained.
Our minds and hearts are designed to be like a reservoir. Whatever we take in we speak and live out. If we store God’s word in our hearts meditating on it we will begin to live it out. God knew that when he said “study to show yourself approved’ and ‘out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”, because a man will draw out of his heart what is stored up in it, either good a or bad.
I recently read an article about creative thinking from a business blog. I won’t go into detail about what the author wrote but I do want to express some thoughts about what the Lord revealed to me through it.
I don’t want to ramble on so I’ll get to the point.
In John 10:10 Jesus speaks about life in abundance. The term abundance reflects different ideas to all of us. So for argument sake let’s use two definitions for abundance.
Abundance from the Free Dictionary by Farlex on line:
a·bun·dance (

1. A great or plentiful amount.
2. Fullness to overflowing
Abundance from the Greek New testament:
| ||
Definition | ||
1. exceeding some number or measure or rank or need a. over and above, more than is necessary |
So why am I writing about abundance and creative thought, joining them in the same article? Because one leads to the other. I found that when there is an abundance of life in me, when God’s word is alive in me, according to Colossians 3:16, joined with a balanced amount of service that I am involved in (James 2:14 -18.) Then comes creative thought. God is amazing for many reasons. I love that that he gives creative thought when we spend time with him and in his word. God is very relational. When we are in a relationship with God he loves to share his heart with us showing us his creativity in what he has made, things we see and what we don’t see. According to John 16:13 God placed his Spirit in our hearts for the purpose of showing us what is in his heart. God isn’t selfish and doesn’t have a cloke and dagger relationship with us. He wants us to know him and the things he loves. He gave us 5 senses because he wants us to enjoy what he has created. He knows what speaks to each one of us. According to Psalm 39 he knows each of us intimately because he created us uniquely as indivuals who relate to him. That’s why he calls us personally. The call to be born again into new life is never a corporate decision but always a personal decision.
· We read and study God’s word, filing the reservoir of our hearts and minds.
· We meditate on it by talking about what we have in our reservoir with God (prayer) and each other (fellowship).
· We play out what we are learning by putting it into action (James 2:14 -18 and Matthew 28:19.)
· God’s Spirit moves his word 18 inches from head to heart and we begin to see it through revelation Ephesians 2:17.)
· God’s words become alive in us according to Colossians 3:16 and our relationship with God is transformed to more than just words we hear on Sunday morning in church and become personal.
· Life becomes abundant with the richness of more experience and revelation, my wife calls this a flowing cup, she draws that term from Paul in Philippians 2:17.
That is when creativity comes, through great thought and action. God begins to drop his thoughts in our minds and hearts. This is the place that great ministries are born, books are written and art is expressed through the very expression of a relationship with the maker of all things. All gifts come from above. There are no wrong gifts just miss guided gifts. Depth and abundance comes from relationship with God who knows us intimately because he created each one of us uniquely the way we are. He alone knows the depth of each heart.
Abundance and creativity go hand in hand but not in a way that is expressed by a void of a relationship with God who burns to lalvish his love on us and through us because he all about relationship, he always has been and always will be.
Abundant creativity comes through him and having a relationship with him. It’s never too late to get started.
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