Thursday, January 31, 2013

What about the Galileans

When I was 18 I worked in the oil fields of Kern County where I would work closely with my supervisor Larry on a daily basis. I was just saved and looked for any opportunity to speak about God's love and Larry's need for salvation. 
 One weekend Larry had the crew and our wives to his house for a BBQ. Using the coals as a metaphor for separation from God then describing Hell - Larry stopped me in mid-sentence asking why God would allow a baby to die with no cause. He told me the story about his sister’s infant who choked on an aspirin and died.
 One day some Jewish men asked Jesus about a tragic and appalling massacre that took place as Pontius Pilot the Roman Governor of Palestine killed a group of Galileans as the worshiped in the Temple of God in Jerusalem, he then mixed their blood with the blood of animals using it for a pagan sacrifice.
 Larry's question, like the question the Jews asked Jesus, was more than disturbing. The conversation with Larry shifted as I explained God’s heart was broken because of the loss of his niece, but it didn’t change his need for salvation and letting the death of an infant, who never did anything deserving of death, stand in his way of eternal life, it would still end in eternal separation from God. The conversation continued for months. I don’t know if Larry ever received Christ as his savior. I still pray for him today.
 One of the great things about Jesus is he has a tendency to cut to the chase…Knowing the hearts of the Jewish men asking about the Galileans were in reality attempting to fuse their lifestyle with being in right standing with God. Jesus basically said “anyone who is unrepentant is still separated from God.”
 Bad things happen in life, at times they are not easily explained or even can't be explained. God is not to be blamed. He understands the pain and confusion some events cause, he is also painfully aware that its only our choice that keeps us separated from him for eternity.
 Entrance into eternal life isn't complicated to understand for a reason. Everything has been done for us and it's a choice to accept or deny the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross removing our sins before a Holy God, or not. Jesus told Nicodemus unless you are born again you will not see the Kingdom of God” Is that fair? It isn't meant to be fair, we don't have a say on the issue. It's yes or no. Our arguments are usually only smoke and mirrors because a yes means submission to God giving ourselves over to God and His ways, saying no to our choices and yes to his. It’s not about the Galileans it’s about us and our relationship with God.
 HE stands at the door of my heart when he calls me, just like he stands at the door of your heart when he calls you. His call for my life is not contingent on what happens in your life nor your call contingent on anyone else because we will all stand before the throne of God alone and he will say “what did you do with my son when you had the offer given to accept the sacrifice he made for you on the cross dying for your sins?"
 It’s all in or all out. 

The decision is eternal. When, not if, we stand in front of God there are no do-overs.

 Say yes today ask to be forgiven for the life we've lived with out God. Ask Jesus to live in your heart and make you new because his blood and sacrifice on the cross are the only remedy from eternal separation from a relationship with God.

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