Thursday, July 15, 2010

Living in 2 places at the same time.

My pastor taught on this topic this week. It sparked some thought about building on a sure Foundation.

If Jesus isn't supreme. If he isn't El Roi. God who sees all. The God who sees all we are, how we hurt, why we act the way we do. If he isn’t the God who sees our deepest soul needs. If El Roi doesn’t exist, life is like shadow boxing. Living life with no eternal meaning or value. The God who sees isn’t lurking to inflict mischievous mayhem but a display of love in caring commitment towards us. He who sees all wants to make us whole and invest abundance in us by his Spirit. Life without the invasion of a loving God who sees all is like building daily life or constructing a house using inferior building materials. Materials that won’t last through heavy storms of wind and rain, materials that won’t protect from the intense heat of summer. Inferior materials like wood hay and stubble. They won't stand up to the fervent heat of life’s trials. It's by Christ alone that I stand. HE is the reason for our happiness not what goes on around us. The Apostle John was forced to live on the Island of Patmos because of his dedication to a relationship with El Roi. He was in the Spirit on the Lords day. Patmos was not a country club. Yet because of his tenacious pursuit of El Roi John was able to live in 2 places at the same time. On the desolate island of Patmos and in the Spirit. Without calendar, John kept track of his days; He continued to have purpose in his life even though exiled on a deserted island. His purpose was his communion with “The God Who Sees.” Jesus who he had a living relationship with. He entered the deep connection of being in the Spirit. His entrance in to the very presence of El Shaddai. It is God as El who helps, but it is God as Shaddai who abundantly blesses with all we need when there is nothing. John entered into the presence of El Shaddai because he cultivated a living daily relationship with the one he knew as ABBA the Father, the one who can touch the hart of despair because he cares deeply about those places not spoken about. John knew what it was to live in 2 places at the same time, because he practiced before he was taken to Patmos. He knew the balanced life of a man who’s hope is fixed on a greater future, on a country of his own; a better country then the one he experienced daily, a heavenly one. Because his spiritual foundation was of great depth and his life was built with materials that were eternal. Materials that could with stand trial and tribulation. John was able to endure great torture and anguish of heart and mind.
 The idea of living in two places at the same time speaks to the depths of my heart. It strengthens me and gives me courage to face the uncertainty of tomorrow. At times the only thing that carries us through trial, is “The God who sees.” When we can’t see past the pain of loss, when we are shaken to the foundational truth of all we know and believe in. If the foundation is the first love of relation with El Roi. The Spirit of son ship becomes more real at this point than at any other in life. God sees all. God who is our life will meet us where we need him. Build while the materials are abundant so when they aren’t we will be able to live in 2 places at one time because we have practiced before we need to.

Thanks Pastor for being good with accurately placing "The Right Stuff" in the lives of people God has placed in your trust.

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