Sunday, June 15, 2014

Everything You've Got

Seekers of God need to do everything possible to grab a hold of God like the woman who had an issue of blood grabbed a hold of Jesus to be healed. According to Matthew 11:12 those who have a fire stoked in their hearts toward God will take the Kingdom of Heaven by force because they own a resolve that nothing will stand in their way! A resolution that cries out, "I will hunt as long as it takes until I obtain the goal of God himself! I will not be refused! That is the resolved life that will not fall prey to the half hazard attempt to relate with God. He is jealous and will not share our affections with anything or anyone else. he told a church in Ladeocia that their lukewarm attempt at pleasing him was so distasteful that he would spit them out of his mouth.
 Do you have that kind of resolve that woman with the issue of blood had, knowing that if she just touched Jesus she would be healed, or is our attempt to grab a hold of God half hearted? Dies lukewarm more describe our life in Christ than fervent heat in our heart for the things of God?

 God is a rewarder of those who diligently hunt for him. Jesus made the promise to us that if we ask for anything according to his will he would grant us the desire of our hearts. 

 Are you willing to ask with the intent of transforming your heart to take a hold of Jesus?


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