Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Quiet Enough to Hear the Heart Beat of God

There is an anechoic chamber where I work.
 The construction consists of a mesh cloth floor suspended 5 feet above a concrete floor. The walls are concrete and have 15 inches of insulation with 6 inches of dead space between the concrete and insulation, then a cloth mesh 6 inches away from the insulation. The concrete walls are in the shape of an octagon creating a room designed to completely absorb reflections of sound. They also insulate from any exterior sources of sound. The chamber is completely sound proof and used for testing the true sound of instruments with no outside interference. There is one light inside the room that is turned off during testing operations so there is no sound made by electricity moving through the elements inside the light bulb.

 One day I was asked to perform some repairs inside the chamber. After the repairs were complete I was asked if I wanted to experience complete silence. I jumped at the opportunity. I laid in the middle of the room suspended 5 feet above the floor. The door was closed and the light was turned off. It was really relaxing. After about ten  minutes and the absolute silence became deafening. I began to hear my own heartbeat, soft at first then to my surprise the longer I remained still the sound of my heart became really loud.

 While I was praying tonight I remembered that day. I thought about what it was like for John to lay his head on the chest of Jesus at the last supper. Did he hear the heart beat of God in his ear? I find my self with an increasing desire, to hear the heart of God. What does he think? What can I do to please him? Amos 3:7 says: Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. And John 16:13 tells us: But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. Prophetic revelation is a gift from the father’s heart to us. When I read that we can come boldly before the throne of grace and find healing and restoration for our souls in Hebrews 4:16, this is not mechanics for church life, it is our Father's personal invitation for each one of us to come to him and spend time with him. I want his heartbeat in my ears to be so clear and steady that it drowns out the influence of the world that draw me away from his desire for my time.

 The invitation is real, it is clear and it’s the cry of the heart of our loving Father. Come to me! In my presence you will find wholeness. I want to show you great and wonderful things that i offer from my creation. I want to show you the greatness of my Kingdom, the greatness of my Spirit, things you don’t know about yet; things to come. I want more for you then the brokenness and poverty the world offers. Things you never imagined or dreamed of. He cries out to us - Come boldly before my throne of grace. So much is waiting for us in his presence.

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