So what's wrong with a day off, right? Well a day off from work is a good thing, but a day off from our relationship with with God is actually an absurd idea. The only one who doesn't think so is the devil, in fact he wants us to entertain the idea that a day off is OK, or even a good idea. The problem is he never takes a break. He is constantly prowling and seeks death, destruction and separation. Our life in Christ is a constant battle, that's not all it is but it is a continuous battle, and this battle has us engaged each and every minute of every day. Our enemy is always lurking to find a weak spot in our armor so he can take advantage.
One day King David found himself alone with nothing to do, because he decided to take a vacation from his battle. He had a birds eye view of his kingdom from his palace. He allowed his thoughts to wander from the things God the day he saw Bathsheba taking a bath. What was he doing looking into someone else's back yard anyway? It seems that when we allow idle time to dominate our lives, even for short periods of time, we are more interested in what some one else is doing. When we let our minds wander we start to take liberties that get us into trouble.
Comparing our good thoughts from the bad in light of God's words keep us in check, and in a place of understanding that it is easy for our imaginations run a muck. OK, here I go with a really bad adage, Father knows best." God knows all things, he knows what makes us tick, what makes us wander and what keeps us pure in heart. His word keeps our paths straight. Remember that we live in a daily battle...2 Corinthians 10 and Ephesians 6 both describe that our ware fare is not fought in a physical battle, and that the weapons of our war fare are not physical, but they are mighty for the pulling down of strong holds. The largest part of our battle is won and lost in our thought life. Romans 12 is very clear that we need to stop being conformed to the way we use to live instead we are to be transformed into our new life in Christ by renewing our minds. Renewing our minds requires acquiring and applying new information. The protection of that information has to be take seriously. Psalm 119:11 says "Lord I have hidden your word in my heart so I won't sin against you." 2 Corinthians 10 says bring every thought into the captivity of Christ." King David let his thoughts run away from him, and the end result was adultery, murder and his family was a wreck. David had to live with the results of what happened on a hot summer day when he let his eyes and mind wander away from the things of God.
Our lives are in a daily battle that will over take us if we don't understand that letting down our guard for even one day off has the potential of chaos and years of cleaning up the mess of a short lived day off, not to speak about lost intimacy with God and the happiness, joy and peace he brings through obedience.
Let's not get battle weary but instead find rest in the presence of the Lord so he can daily renew our strength.
Stay strong and continually keep on the armor of God.
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