Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Right Stuff

 My wife and I remodeled our home. Enjoying benefits of hard work brings great satisfaction. The frustration comes with focusing on the defects.

 Looking out the window one morning I realized God’s creation has perfect form to it. His order to everything has absolute purpose.
 The colorful commentary of Psalm 139 is amazing. God’s intimate creation of each one of us overwhelms me. His creative hand makes no mistakes. Psalm 139:14 sums up the only rational conclusion we can make:
 “I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Learning to trust The Lord takes a life time of practice. Making the decision to look at the right things about us takes a little getting use to as well. We are designed specifically the way the creator of all things intended. If we believe one of God's words are true then they are all true. If we want to know everything God has for us we don't get to pick and choose to accept what he says. It's all or nothing, in or out. When he tells us He created us for His purpose and good pleasure it means nothing about us was a mistake an oversight; and nothing was left out.

Not allowing our past to chase us into the corner of inactivity is a choice we have to make. Choosing to chase after the things of God and the hope of the future he offers us will make life more abundant. Asking Jesus how he can use the way he created us, for his purposes and His desire. Moving forward with doing our Fathers business is pleasing to Him and fulfilling for us. 

 It’s our choice how we view the journey God has placed us on. Today's choices determine tomorrows outcome. The most important choice it the next one we make. 

God wants us to stay focused on Him and His purpose instead of on ourselves.

Life is fun.

 Lord I don’t want to miss any of what you have placed in it because my focus is in the wrong place.

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